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Today, it’s easier than ever to correct crooked teeth with orthodontics.

At one time, it was necessary to visit an orthodontist in Santa Fe for solutions such as metal braces. Now, however, SureSmile and other types of orthodontics are more easily accessible to patients. At our dental clinic, our dentists offer SureSmile.


Who Needs Orthodontics in Santa Fe?

A few generations ago, braces were uncommon, only used on the most extreme cases of crooked teeth, overbite, underbite or crossbite.

Metal braces were considered cosmetic dentistry and not covered by insurance.

However, today most insurance companies agree that the shape of the mouth and teeth are important beyond how they look. A crooked bite can affect chewing and speech, among other functions.

Additionally, because of the easy availability of orthodontics today, straight teeth have become the norm. Thus, if you or your child suffers with crooked teeth or teeth with many gaps, this may affect your self-confidence, including your relationships, school, work and even your outlook on life.

How Does SureSmile Work?

SureSmile Logo

The reason patients don’t need a Santa Fe orthodontist to get SureSmile is because the aligners are made off-site by the company.

The dentist takes an impression of your teeth and sends it to the lab, where they make your first series of trays.

Patients prefer SureSmile over metal braces because the aligners are clear plastic — you can hardly see them, compared to metal braces. Metal braces are bulky and uncomfortable and take up space in your mouth, hiding your beautiful white teeth for years. People who wear metal braces usually carry wax with them to cover the pieces of metal that rub on the insides of their lips and cheeks, creating uncomfortable sores.

SureSmile trays are smooth, clear plastic, so they are comfortable to wear. Our dentists attach “buttons” to patients’ teeth which allow them to snap in their aligner trays. Patients love that they’re removable, and they can take them out for special occasions like graduation or prom.

Additionally, you must take out your aligner trays to eat, so that means your diet is not restricted. With metal braces, there are a number of foods that are difficult to eat, such as corn on the cob, spinach and popcorn.

How Bright Can Your Smiles Get?

You’ll have teeth so white, they’ll have to wear shades! Come see us today.


Your Dentists in Santa Fe for SureSmile

SureSmile is appropriate for children, teens and adults.

Many adults did not have the opportunity to get braces as children and have always been self-conscious about how their teeth look. At the same time, they fear that wearing metal braces as an adult will affect how others view them at work.

SureSmile is the perfect solution. No one will notice you’re wearing aligners, and you can always take them out for a big presentation.

If you want straighter teeth, make an appointment today at our Santa Fe dental clinic for an orthodontic evaluation to see if SureSmile is right for you.

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